We are the Board of Governors of the Western States Trail Foundation (WSTF) welcomes you to an endurance riding event of distinction, recognized as one of the world’s best tests of true horsemanship.
The Tevis Cup Ride is the founding modern-day equestrian event of its kind in the world. Today, there are hundreds of endurance riding events throughout the nation and in many countries overseas that are based upon the methods and standards originally established by this event. This includes the modeling of national organizations which sanction similar endurance riding events.
The WSTF has long recognized an obligation to continue the tradition that began decades ago. The Tevis Cup 100 Miles One Day Ride represents the Foundation’s commitment to the ideals of a pioneering experience along historically significant trails that traverse the scenic wilderness of the Sierra Nevada Mountains from east of Squaw Valley to Auburn. Since the origin of modern-day endurance riding that started with this event in 1955, thousands of horsemen and their athletic steeds have sought the challenges of the Tevis Cup Ride. The event counts among its alumni many experts of American and International horsemanship.
The founders of the Tevis Cup event offered their vision of a majestic riding trail penetrating the wild beauty of mountain peaks and valleys hallowed by the Washoe and Maidu tribes and later crossed by explorers, settlers and gold-seekers. These founders declared that the virtue of such a trail would lie in helping preserve the historic significance of its route and would encourage people to return to a simple life perhaps furthering their appreciation of nature, history and the outdoors through the humane use of horses. Horsemen can trade the hectic world of traffic-jammed freeways and skyscrapers for a realm of natural splendor while passing through cathedral-like groves of virgin forests that shelter vast numbers of wildlife. Therein lies the essence of the Tevis Cup Ride and the historic Western States Trail.
We want you to consider what others have found to be an experience of a lifetime. We sincerely look forward to seeing you at the full of the Riding Moon.
Click on the triangles for more information
Board of Governors (BOG) Meetings – 2025
WSTF BOG Meeting Schedule – 2024
- Saturday, January 11th
- Sunday , April 13th
- Saturday June 7th
- Saturday, October 25th
Meetings are currently held in the Auburn, CA area and/or using Zoom. Please contact wstf@teviscup.org for specific information if you would like to attend either in person or online.
Board of Governors – 2025
- Ride Director – Chuck Stalley*
- Head Veterinarian – Mike Peralez
- President – Tony Benedetti*
- Vice Presidents:
Nicole Chappell-Wertz* – Trail
Jerry Wittenauer* – Fundraising / WSTEF - Secretary – Jenni Smith* – Public Relations
- Treasurer – Crysta Turnage* – Virtual Ride / Social Media
- Pam Bailie – Merchandise / Sponsorship
- Frank Crum – Legal
- Sesi Catalano
- Marisa Dardi
- Kassandra DiMaggio
- Ute Frey – Marketing
- Linda Glazier*
- Jean Hixon – WSTF Office
- LuAnne Holmsen-Thomas – WSTF Office
- JayaMae Kaur – Tevis Forum
- Greg King
- Debby Lyon* – Rules
- Abigail Madden
- Lynn Marks
- Andy Mayo*
- Jay (Jeanette) Mero* DVM – Veterinary
- Lori Oleson – International / Signature Riders
- John Perry
- Kathie Perry*
- Mike Pickett – Special Projects
- Lynn Seeley
- Lori Stewart* – Education / Community Relations / Historical
- Lucy Trumbull – Website
- Holly Ulyate – Events
- Barbara White*
* Executive Committee
WST Endowment Fund – 2024
- President: Jerry Wittenauer
- Vice President: Kathie Perry
- Treasurer: Mike Pickett
- Secretary: Crysta Turnage
Board of Governors – Emeritus
- Rho Bailey
- Bob Davis
- Larry Deakyne
- Chuck Gabri
- Phil Gardner
- Hank Gibbons
- Roxanne Greene
- Henry Griffin
- Shelly Hatfield
- Hal V. Hall
- Gary Hall
- Jeff Herten
- Joanne Hoefler
- Marvin Jacinto
- Bill Johnson
- Greg Kimler
- Joe Larkin
- Mo Livermore
- Bob Marx
- Chuck Mather
- John McCullough
- Dick Nogelberg
- Jerry Scribner
- Bob Stevens
- Julie Suhr
- Judy Suter
- Roger Yohe
Friends of WSTF Who Have Ridden On Ahead
- Charles Barieau (1916-2005)
- Drucilla Barner (1914-1979)
- Al Beaupre (1929-2009)
- Nan Benzie (1911-1999)
- Tom Christofk (1951-2020)
- Hank Cook ( – 2017)
- Heather Davis (1939-2003)
- Bernard Dobbas (1912-1996)
- Paula Fatjo (1920-1993)
- Pat Fox (? – 2003)
- Eldon Hall (1915 – 1994)
- David Jay (1918 – 1999)
- Smokey Killen (1916-1995)
- Leroy Krusi (1894 – 1983)
- Jim Larimer (1948 – 2013)
- Lincoln ‘Nick’ Mansfield (1908 – 1999)
- Maynard Munger (1932-2006)
- Virl Norton (1916 – 1995)
- Jesper Peterson
- Bill Pieper (1937-2014)
- Kate Riordan (1948 – 2024)
- Clint Ritchie (1938-2009)
- Wendell Robie (1895 – 1984)
- Albert Shumate, MD (1904-1998)
- Larry Suddjian (1943-2022)
- Bob Suhr (1918-2010)
- Went Tellington (1917-2000)
- Walt Tibbitts (1923-2016)
- Betty Veal (1927-2004)
- Paul “Thurman” Yeagley (1959-2003)