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The following logo images, regardless of size or color variation, are trademarks of the Western States Trail Foundation (“WSTF”), all rights reserved. Requests for permission to reproduce or display any of these logos, either in a printed publication or on-line as part of another website, may be directed to the WSTF Office.

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Logo images appearing in this site that belong to other organizations or individuals appear “by permission” of the respective copyright/trademark/servicemark holders. Such use is generally made for linking to the website of a Tevis-related service provider. Such links are provided as a convenience to participants in the events sponsored by WSTF and are not endorsements of any product or service found on such sites; information found on such sites is not endorsed or approved by WSTF.
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As a matter of policy, the Western States Trail Foundation does not promote or endorse commercial products of any kind, except for items sold by the Foundation or licensed agents in connection with fundraising activities related to the annual Tevis Cup 100 Miles 1 Day Ride and to the protection and maintenance of the Western States Trail.
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Except where specifically noted, all written content and images on this website are the exclusive property of WSTF and are protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other countries under international law. Permission is granted to electronically copy and to print in hard copy portions of this Web site for the sole purposes of placing an order for goods offered for sale by WSTF, for applying to participate in any activity sponsored by WSTF, or for making or pledging a contribution to WSTF.
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