Please Note: The Western States Trail Ride (aka the Tevis Cup) has been moved to July 12th, 2025
President’s Message

Dear Tevis Family,
Greetings from the foothills of the Sierra Nevada where autumn has arrived. The ride season is winding down in the west region, and during the winter lull the Western States Trail Foundation will start to prepare for the 2025 ride, which is now scheduled for July 12th.
Congratulations to those many intrepid horses and riders who took on the challenge this year, and thank you to all of the volunteers, crews, veterinarians, and others who were there that weekend and doing their best.
First place and the Tevis Cup were awarded to Dr. Jay Mero and her mare Lena. The Haggin Cup for Best Condition was awarded to Reyna Mero and Clippie, the second-place team.
Sadly, the trail proved to be unforgiving to some, reminding us that this event is very challenging and requires experienced horses and riders that are ready and able to make good decisions all day long. To help riders meet this test better, you can look forward to expanded educational opportunities that will be offered after the first of the year. We are planning a series of webinars and two training weekends that will be aimed at those who want to do well at this iconic ride. Trail work will be on-going as much as the weather permits, and our rules, policies, and vet procedures are being re-examined in order to deal better with the recent years of weather extremes.
Tony Benedetti has been elected to serve as president of the Western States Trail Foundation and three new governors, namely Ute Frey, Lynn Marks, and Frank Crum, will serve on the Board. Chuck Stalley will continue as the ride director. All of us thank you for your past support, we wish you a festive and meaningful holiday season, and we hope to see you at the AERC Convention in March.
Barbara White
Outgoing President, Western States Trail Foundation

Where’s The Party?
This year, WSTF has decided to change things up. Instead of hosting a party in the midst of the busy holiday season, we will instead hold a New Ride Year/Entry Kickoff Party on Saturday, February 1, 2025. Come and party like only endurance riders know how.
We will raffle a free entry along with a host of other highly desirable prize packages (pies people, pies!). The fun and exciting evening will mark the beginning of the new ride year and the launch of the 2025 ride entry. The online entry to the 2025 Western States Trail Ride (aka The Tevis Cup) will open on Tuesday, February 4.
The New Ride Year Party will be hosted at the Ridge Golf Course & Events Center in Auburn and tickets will be available at the Tevis Store starting mid-December.
We’ll see you there!

AERC Convention – Back in Town!
WSTF welcomes the AERC convention back to the ‘hood – March 7th & 8th 2025 at the Nugget Casino Resort in Sparks, Nevada.
Please join the board of governors and friends for The Tevis Cup Cocktail Hour on Friday evening. The Tevis Cup and the Haggin Cups themselves will be in the house (not to mention the Scripps Cup and the Robie Cup).
We’ll also be hosting an in-depth seminar Saturday morning with a panel of storied Tevis buckle owners speaking to what it takes to complete the sport’s most challenging 100-mile course. The seminar will run up to lunch and speakers will stay after for more individual questions.
Please let us help you figure out how to make that Tevis dream come true.
BONUS! Look for the TEVIS STORE at the AERC convention!
Tevis Education Events for 2025
In 2025, instead of the Tevis Educational Ride, WSTF will be hosting two new events:
Tevis Educational Clinic and Night Ride
Saturday, April 12th
Saturday, April 26th
Cool Hills Ranch, Cool, CA
This clinic is the perfect opportunity for a rider and horse to learn and practice the skills essential for successfully riding the Tevis.
Riders will be instructed in how to safely control their horse at all times, no matter the challenges faced on the Tevis. For example:
- Passing and being passed in a crowd of trotting horses
- Mounting and dismounting from both sides of a horse without a mounting block on a narrow trail
- Tacking and untacking at a remote vet check with no crew.
- Cooling your horse effectively without a crew and surrounded by other hot, itchy horses.
- While leading down a narrow trail, how to keep your horse at a safe distance behind you.
The list goes on!
Your instructors will be experienced Tevis riders lead by Erin McChesney, two time Tevis Cup AND Haggin Cup Winner, dressage instructor, endurance coach, USEF-WDAA western dressage judge and NATRC Leisure Judge.
Riders will end this fun day of learning with a relaxing night ride along the beautiful Olmstead trails.
No qualifications are needed to enter. Auditors are welcome for a reasonable fee. Entries will be limited. Complete details coming soon.
Tevis Training Ride
Friday – Sunday, June 13th-15th
Chicken Hawk Staging Area, Michigan Bluff, CA
Open to riders who meet the qualifications to enter the Tevis.
The Tevis Training Weekend will be a supported, more relaxed way to pre-ride the hardest 50 miles of the Tevis Trail – from Robinson Flat to Francisco’s.
Vet checks will be operational at key locations and parameters will be the same as planned for the 2025 Tevis. The trail will be marked and supplied with extra water. Stops will be staffed and provisioned with supplemental water, hay, and rider snacks. Trailer shuttles will be provided to move you, your horse and/or your rig along the trail.
The deadline to enter Tevis without a surcharge is after the training ride weekend – make a plan to pre-ride now! Complete details will be coming soon!
Did You See It?
The Western States Trail Foundation Annual Report landed in mailboxes last week. Supporters of WSTF received a copy of our annual Impact Report, presenting a concise summary of the work that we do 12-months-per-year to pursue our Mission. If you missed it, you can view it here. And if you would like to be on our mailing list to receive a hard copy, please send your information to Jerry –