In 2025, instead of the Tevis Educational Ride, WSTF will be hosting two new events:
Tevis Educational Clinic and Night Ride
Saturday, April 26th.
Cool Hills Ranch, Cool, CA
This clinic is the perfect opportunity for a rider and horse to learn and practice the skills essential for successfully riding the Tevis.
Riders will be instructed about safety, courtesy, and horsemanship appropriate for the Western States 100 Mile Trail Ride, The Tevis Cup.
It will include learning and practice opportunities such as:
- Control of the horse for pacing, passing, preparing
- Challenges to plan for to ride the Tevis trail
- Tack evaluation; tack “on or off” at vet checks
- Weather conditions: what to plan and practice for
- Vet stops with crew; vet stops with volunteers
- Trail: technical footing, drop-offs, surface terrain
- Night riding (including an actual night ride!)
Your ‘classroom’ will be the large, covered arena located at Cool Hills Ranch, owned by Cris Grey. Your instructors will be experienced Tevis riders, led by Erin McChesney, two time Tevis Cup AND Haggin Cup Winner, dressage instructor, endurance coach, USEF-WDAA western dressage judge, and NATRC Leisure Judge.
Riders will end this fun day of learning with a relaxing one hour night ride on the beautiful Olmstead trails.
- Clinic Entry – $140
- Haul-in fee per trailer – $15
- Auditors – $40- Food is included for participants and auditors
- Participants are limited to 30
Tevis Training Ride
Friday – Sunday, June 13th-15th
Chicken Hawk Staging Area, Michigan Bluff, CA
Open to riders who meet the qualifications to enter the Tevis.
The Tevis Training Weekend will be a supported, more relaxed way to pre-ride the hardest 50 miles of the Tevis Trail over two days – from Robinson Flat to Francisco’s.
Vet checks will be operational at key locations and parameters will be the same as planned for the 2025 Tevis. The trail will be marked and supplied with extra water. Stops will be staffed and provisioned with supplemental water, hay, and rider snacks. Trailer shuttles will be provided to move you, your horse and/or your rig along the trail.
The deadline to enter Tevis without a surcharge is after the training ride weekend – make a plan to pre-ride now! Complete details will be coming soon!